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Artikel vom 14.01.2013

Helaba and BayernLB finance solar power plant in France

Frankfurt am Main (ots) - As Mandated Lead Arrangers, Helaba and BayernLB have financed a solar power plant in France for Hamburg-based Aquila Capital. Helaba and BayernLB have arranged and structured the project financing to the value of Euro 80 million. The solar power plant has an installed capacity of 24 MW and consists of two solar parks. It is located in the Centre region near Paris. Annual power production is predicted to reach approx. 27 million kilowatt hours.


Aquila Capital is the initiator of the project. The independent investment firm has approx. Euro 4 billion of assets under management and focuses on alternative investments. Investors can invest in the project via a closed-end fund. LNF Energy acted as advisor to Aquila Capital for the project structuring. LNF Energy, also based in Hamburg, assists private and institutional investors to acquire and finance renewable energy projects.

Helaba offers a broad range of services for corporate clients and public institutions. For more than fifteen years, the bank has provided tailor-made financing solutions to investors and developers for solar, solar thermal, wind and hydro power projects. Today, renewable energy finance has been firmly established as a steadily growing business of Helaba.

BayernLB is a reliable German corporate and structured finance lender. With its experience in the energy sector and in export and project financing, BayernLB has provided financing solutions to renewable energy companies focused on wind, solar, solar thermal, hydro power and geothermal technologies for many years. Currently, BayernLB and Deutsche Kreditbank AG?s portfolio of project and export finance transactions in the renewable energies sector amounts to 6.5 bn Euro.

Wolfgang Kuss , 14.01.2013

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