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Artikel vom 01.06.2015

The International Solar Energy Society (ISES) rises to meet global challenges

Freiburg, Germany (ots) - Achieving the transformation to 100% renewable energy requires the strength of knowledgeable experts, emerging young professionals, a strong industry and support from financial institutions and government. 2015 marks an important year as the International Solar Energy Society, ISES, celebrates 60 years of advancing the energy transformation.


-- To support the work of renewable energy professionals, ISES recently re-launched the International Experts Network (IEN), on online service to connect those searching for expertise with the experts. It is an interactive and growing database of professionals, companies and institutions from all renewable energy fields working around the globe. The IEN platform is set to become a keystone platform to support the work of those professionals whose work is moving the renewable energy transformation forward.

-- This year the ISES Solar World Congress 2015 will be taking place from 8th to the 12th of November in Daegu, South Korea. Participants from all over the world will attend and present their research, projects and work in all fields of renewable energy, network and learn from expert plenary and keynote speakers on a range of technical and cross cutting issues. The event comes just before the COP21 in Paris and will play a vital role bringing the voice of the renewable energy community to our world leaders.

-- The ISES webinar series was created to reach out to a global audience on the latest in solar energy. Every month ISES holds a live webinar for free on a different solar energy topic ranging from technical to cross cutting topics. Distinguished experts in their fields share their knowledge with participants from around the world, from developing and developed countries.

-- An exciting development within ISES flagship publication, the Solar Energy journal, is the restructuring of the journal into four distinct sub-sections. Under the leadership of the Editor-in-Chief, Dr. D.Y. Goswami, the Editorial team is being expanded to include four Subject Editors who will cover the most prolific areas of the journal. Over the past 5 years the number of submissions to the journal has increased by 27% and the number of articles published has more than doubled. Research in the solar energy and all renewable energy fields is driving force to achieving the 100% renewable energy transformation.

Joanna Costello Communications and Outreach Officer International Solar Energy Society (ISES), 01.06.2015

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