I'm supporting Al Gore, please add your voice too

Schnell eine Botschaft für Al Gore, der in Bali spricht

Hello friend,

Tomorrow Al Gore is going to address the UN Climate Change Conference in Bali, Indonesia. At his urging, I've signed an important petition showing I support his important call for a visionary treaty to address the climate crisis. I hope you will too.


The world's elected leaders must take the steps necessary to solve global warming. It's not too late. We have the opportunity now to improve the Earth's future for our children, and their children. If we don't act, we will only have ourselves to blame.

Please sign the petition today: http://www.climateprotect.org/standwithal
in case you care about the environment, too.

Thanks a lot,
the chief editor

Artikel Online geschaltet von: / Doris Holler /