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Artikel vom 08.02.2011

Children’s Village Diani in Kenya: access to clean drinking water

In many areas in Kenya, access to clean drinking water is lacking. About 88% of the population has to put back long distances to the next water source or is forced to drink contaminated water. Particularly children suffer from water borne diseases. For the first time an environment-friendly and independent water treatment plant of Trunz Water Systems offers a long-lasting solution for decentralized potable water supply in Kenya.


The children’s village Diani, which is situated some 35 km south of Mombasa and currently houses 22 children and their staff, is familiar with the problem of contaminated water. At the children’s home the staff cares for the basic needs of the orphans and neglected or abandoned children. It includeds the improvement of the Children’s health, for example by providing clean drinking water for daily needs. For demonstration of the effectiveness of germ-free drinking water, the official dealer of Trunz Water Systems, Tomash International Ltd, installed its water trailer equipped with a Trunz Water System 200 at disposal to the children’s village.


The water treatment plant mounted on a trailer is powered by renewable energy and operates independent of any power source. Solar panels and a wind generator produce enough energy to operate the water treatment plant. The plant supplies the children’s village sufficiently with drinking water and has a capacity of 15000 liters of drinking water per day.

In order to provide local inhabitants access to clean drinking water, a small Water-Shop has been opened. The local population can buy drinking water for two Kenyan shillings (KES) per litre. This is approx. 1 cent per litre. It is about ten times cheaper than the currently lowest price for water which can be bought in 20 litre-tanks in stores. One Quarter of the Water-Shop earnings (0.5 KES/Litre) is being reinvested in the children’s education, for example in school fees.
The plant generates enough energy, on the one hand to operate the water system and on the other hand to illuminate the security lights in the children’s village.


About Trunz Water Systems

The Swiss based company Trunz Water Systems developed, manufactures and distributes sustainable and cost effective solutions for water purification and desalination as well as solar power centres. The innovative company offers sustainable solutions for the decentralised potable water and electricity supply in remote areas. The units are exceptionally energy efficient, independent, compact and environmentally friendly.

Up to now, over 450 Trunz Water Systems are already operating in more than 30 countries all over the world. All of the water treatment systems need low maintenance and are easy to install. The capacity depends on the raw water quality and ranges from 7000 to 50000 litres a day.

Trunz’ innovative and environmentally friendly technology produces clean drinking water from polluted water and salt water with solar and/or wind energy. An ultrafiltration membrane or a reverse osmosis system (for sea or brackish water) removes all virus and bacteria (and salts) without requiring toxic chemical treatment.

Trunz Water Systems AG,, 08.02.2011


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